Articles by Tina Butler

For Earth Day: climbing a redwood tree

On the outskirts of Silicon Valley, in an unincorporated part of Los Gatos in the heart of the Santa Cruz Mountains, I’m scaling a 200-foot tall, somewhere between 600-1000 year…

Taking Care of Business: Diapers Go Green

Taking Care of Business: Diapers Go Green Taking Care of Business: Diapers Go Green Tina Butler, April 2, 2006 Cloth or Disposable Diapers: Answering the Age Old Question A…

Tsunami relief risks rainforest destruction

Tsunami relief risks rainforest destruction Tsunami relief risks rainforest destruction Tina Butler, December 19, 2005 EDITOR'S UPDATE: (19 Dec 2005) Today WWF warned that donor countries must include sustainably…

Africa seeks bioengineered solutions to food crisis

Africa seeks bioengineered food solutions to nutrition crisis Super Staples: Africa seeks bioengineered food solutions Tina Butler, July 18, 2005 African scientists, in conjunction with research facilities in the…

China’s Imminent Water Crisis

China's Imminent Water Crisis China's Imminent Water Crisis Tina Butler, May 30, 2005 Back in 1999, Wen Jinbao, a Chinese deputy prime minister, warned of the dire water situation…

Vampire Fish discovered in the Amazon

Vampire Fish discovered in the Amazon Vampire Fish discovered in the Amazon Tina Butler, May 19, 2005 A new species, dubbed the 'vampire fish,' was recently discovered in the…

Genographic Project stirs controversy

Genographic Project stirs controversy Genographic Project stirs controversy National Geographic's Genographic Project: Whose Blood, Whose History, Whose Gain? Tina Butler, May 9, 2005 On April 13, 2005, the National…