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Biomimetics, technology that mimics nature

Engineers, scientists, and business people are increasingly turning toward nature for design inspiration. The field of biomimetics, the application of methods and systems, found in nature, to engineering and technology,…

China’s Imminent Water Crisis

China's Imminent Water Crisis China's Imminent Water Crisis Tina Butler, mongabay.com May 30, 2005 Back in 1999, Wen Jinbao, a Chinese deputy prime minister, warned of the dire water situation…

Helping the poor by selling them stuff

Helping the poor by selling them stuff; poverty alleviation through private enterprise Helping the poor by selling them stuff; poverty alleviation through private enterprise By Rhett Butler, mongabay.com May 24,…

Genographic Project stirs controversy

Genographic Project stirs controversy Genographic Project stirs controversy National Geographic's Genographic Project: Whose Blood, Whose History, Whose Gain? Tina Butler, mongabay.com May 9, 2005 On April 13, 2005, the National…

Scientists search for Mongolian Death Worm

Scientists search for Mongolian Death Worm Scientists search for Mongolian Death Worm Attempt to confirm existence of legendary beast mongabay.com May 3, 2005 A group of English scientists are spending…

Is Earth Day a waste of time?

Earth Day: Another gimmick day full of false promises and empty pledges or a day of reflection? Borneo rainforest, photo by R. Butler So today is Earth Day. You may…
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