Happy-upbeat Environmental News

Visiting Croatia; tourists replace soldiers

Visiting Croatia, tourists replace soldiers Visiting Croatia, tourists replace soldiers Rhett Butler, mongabay.com September 8, 2005 Dubrovnik, just north of the historic Grad Fourteen years ago Croatia was a war…

Chernobyl environment and people recovering

Chernobyl environment recovering Chernobyl environment and people recovering mongabay.com September 6, 2005 Chernobyl's ecosystems seem to be recovering just 19 years after the region was badly contaminated with radiation from…

Biomimetics, technology that mimics nature

Engineers, scientists, and business people are increasingly turning toward nature for design inspiration. The field of biomimetics, the application of methods and systems, found in nature, to engineering and technology,…

Helping the poor by selling them stuff

Helping the poor by selling them stuff; poverty alleviation through private enterprise Helping the poor by selling them stuff; poverty alleviation through private enterprise By Rhett Butler, mongabay.com May 24,…

Is Earth Day a waste of time?

Earth Day: Another gimmick day full of false promises and empty pledges or a day of reflection? Borneo rainforest, photo by R. Butler So today is Earth Day. You may…

Bioprospecting in Panama

Coral, Coiba and the Next Big Thing The largest island off the Central American Pacific coast may be hiding big secrets in its reefs, among them, a possible cure for…
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