Conservation scientists want $404 million to save disappearing amphibians Conservation scientists want $404 million to save disappearing amphibians Rhett A. Butler, September 20, 2005 Blue poison dart frog Yesterday…
How to save disappearing amphibians subject of meeting this weekend How to save disappearing amphibians subject of meeting this weekend Rhett A. Butler, September 14, 2005 Tomato frog in…
Convergent Evolution of Poison Frogs and Ants Convergent Evolution of Poison Frogs and Ants Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences release August 10, 2005 A steady diet of ants…
Study discovers why poison dart frogs are toxic Study discovers why poison dart frogs are toxic Rhett Butler, August 9, 2005 2007 update Blue poison dart frog (Dendrobates azureus).…
Microchip implant saves endangered turtle from the cooking pot Microchip implant saves endangered turtle from the cooking pot WCS Press Release July 18, 2005 Sre Ambel River mangrove turtle. Picture…
16% of frogs species in Sri Lanka may be gone, new survey finds 16% of frogs species in Sri Lanka may be gone, new survey finds July 2, 2005…
Toad on brink of extinction, scientists race to study amphibian for bioactive compounds Toad on brink of extinction, scientists race to study amphibian for bioactive compounds Tina and Rhett Butler,…
Cane toads increasingly a problem in Australia Cane toads increasingly a problem in Australia Overstaying Their Welcome: Cane Toads in Australia Tina Butler, April 17, 2005 About a week…